Sunday, May 08, 2005

Must be more victims of the gay agenda

They tried to warn you that gay marriage would undermine the very moral foundations of the republic, but you didn't listen.

Well, let's hope you're happy now that its corrosive effect has led U.S. Rep. Don Sherwood, R-Penn., who has voted steadily to protect the institution of marriage and the Ten Commandments from those dangerous same-sex types, to carry on a long-term relationship with a woman less than half his age.

And it looks like gay marriage's destructive penumbra reaches from New England all the way to the Pacific Northwest, where Spokane, Wash., Mayor Jim West, a Republican who has consistently opposed gay-rights bills since his days as a state Senate majority leader, was found frequently hitting on who he thought to be a 17-year-old boy in online chats.

Fortunately for the tender creatures who suffer chronic pain from the very existence of homosexuality, the leaders of the Food and Drug Administration are about to retaliate with some gay bashing disguised as science to make it all feel better.