Saturday, September 29, 2007

More quick hits from the home state

Is it usually this busy at the end of September? I blame the fiscal year for taking the coward's way out and ending instead of staying the course. Time for a few highlights from this week:
  • Terry Everett, that seventh guy you can't remember when you're trying to name Alabama's congressmen, will leave Capitol Hill in 2009. So far, it seems Gov. Bob Riley's horse Sandman and I are the only ones in the entire state who aren't considering a run to replace Everett. The district is a very likely Republican hold, even given that 2008 is shaping up as a terrible year for the GOP nationally.
  • Given that no one listed on its board appears to have known they were considered board members, can we be sure that the state two-year college system's foundation even exists? Any chance we're all just having a mass hallucination?
  • OK, Troy, seriously? You can stop now. It's not helping.
Another Saturday live blog? Don't mind if I do. It's coming next.