Saturday, February 19, 2005

Meter reading #7

Another Saturday, another time to wallow in self-absorption. Here's how people have gotten here since Sunday:

A Google search for "Carter Ham blog."
Yes, this is a blog, but I've never written about Jimmy Carter eating ham. (Actually, there's a U.S. brigadier general named "Carter Ham," but it was funnier the other way. Right? OK, fine, don't play along.)

Google searches for "separate is inherently unequal" and "inherently unequal."
Apparently I should start using the word "inherently" more often. And doing so unequally.

A Yahoo search for "Redding Pitt Birmingham Alabama."
Redding 1, Twinkle 0.

A MyWay search for ""
No, that's definitely not my way.

An Overture search for "militaryescortm4m."
I'm not comfortable with where this conversation is going...

A Google search for "'gay is the new black' Alabama."
Ah, thank you for changing the subject.

A Google search for "threaten a politician."
For the record, officer, I don't advocate it.

A Google search for "Red State Diaries."
Sure, not very impressive, you say. And you'd be right, if it didn't come from the Canadian version of Google.

Visitors from California, Colorado, Florida, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, Wisconsin, and Washington, D.C.
Alas, no Mainers this week. I'm working on it.

Visitors from Argentina, Australia, Canada, Estonia, France, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, and United Kingdom.
I welcome my growing legion of Estonian readers.