Sunday, January 23, 2005

Good night, Johnny

America lost a good man and a great entertainer today.

I missed a good part of Johnny Carson's long career on The Tonight Show, but I saw enough of it to know he was the gold standard of late-night talk show hosts. Carnac the Magnificent, the golf swing, Stump the Band, the fawning sidekick, "Here's Johnny!" -- the list of Carson's additions to popular culture goes on and on, and his comedic influence clearly lives on in David Letterman and Conan O'Brien, among others.

Above all, I'll remember Carson best for his classiness and air of decency. Even though he was a very private man with some marital struggles, he always left you with the feeling that he was a good guy who did well for himself. Most importantly, he brightened your day with laughter, and he did it better than almost anyone else. For that, Carson deserves our gratitude.