Saturday, November 20, 2004

Market test

If you're reading this post, please submit a comment. Read below for more.

The site, sentimental creature that it is, celebrated its two-week anniversary Friday, and I want to see if anyone's paying attention yet. So here's the deal: I'm planning a series of posts around Thanksgiving (or later, depending on real-world circumstances) to size up the potential 2008 presidential candidates from both major parties, as well as some wild card possibilities. I'm both calling for your help and issuing a desperate plea for readership, affirmation, and attention.

Here's the deal: If you're reading this post, submit a comment. If you're a Blogger member, do your usual thing. If you're not, you can click "Or Post Anonymously" when the comment screen appears. You can say anything you want as long as it isn't obscene or capable of getting me sued. As a (very lame) bonus, I promise my series will analyze the presidential chances of any contender you suggest in a comment here -- even if it's someone who has no chance at winning, even if it's someone who has nothing to do with politics, even if it's your stoner roommate.

Stroke my ego and comment away. Oh, and since it's Iron Bowl time, Roll Tide.