Thursday, June 08, 2006

'Good riddance' indeed

As you no doubt have heard (and seen) 100 times by now, the leader of al-Qaeda's Iraqi operations, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, died Wednesday shortly after he found found himself on the business end of a half-ton of American bombs.

The killing of a terrorist who ordered the murders of hundreds of people is a victory for U.S. forces, of course, but the conventional wisdom that his death won't end the violence in Iraq any time soon is right on the money. For one thing, al-Zarqawi's influence in terrorist circles reportedly already was waning due to his violent attacks on civilians. For another, foreigners make up only a small percentage of the largely homegrown Iraqi insurgency.

Despite those facts, I can't disagree with what Iraq's American ambassador said: "He wreaked havoc and he went. Good riddance."