Thursday, May 25, 2006

Alabama political ad template

(Open with progressively tighter zoom shot on black-and-white photo of Opponent as ominous music loops in the background.)

Sure, Opponent claims to be good for Alabama, but the facts just don't lie. Opponent is a [Montgomery insider / opportunistic money-grubber / damn Yankee] who voted more than [20 / 200 / 2 million] times to support [liberal tax increases on hard-working Alabamians / removing God from our schools and churches / cooking and eating the poor].

What did Opponent receive in return? Thousands of dollars in campaign contributions and kickbacks from [dirty liberal trial lawyers / soulless corporate fatcats and gambling lobbyists / terrorists]. That might be enough for some people, but not Opponent. Now, according to [some newspaper or TV station], Opponent supports legislation to [confiscate your land / force you to house illegal immigrants in your garage / punch your dog in the face]. Some people just never learn.

(Cue upbeat music and cut to video footage of Candidate praying around the dinner table with the family, hugging kids and senior citizens, frolicking in a meadow with bunnies, etc.)

Fortunately for us, there's a better choice. Candidate is [a veteran of public service / not a career politician / definitely not in this for the state retirement] and shares our conservative Alabama family faith values. Raised in a town [where everybody knows your name / where conservative Alabama family faith values reigned supreme / so small that scientists are still working to confirm its existence] and married for [a long time / a really long time / far longer than your mere mortal mind can fathom], Candidate understands and shares the conservative Alabama family faith values that we all hold so dear.

(Cut to video of Candidate standing near a barn, church, creek, general store, school, etc., surrounded by friends and family.)

"I'm Candidate, and together we can [build a stronger, more conservative Alabama / shamelessly exploit religious faith in pursuit of votes / feed my insatiable ego]. Help me fight for you."

(Cue voice-over as Candidate looks ahead confidently.)

On Election Day, send a message to Opponent and the rest of the [liberals / liberal liberals / liberal tree-hugging hippie liberals]. Vote Candidate for [insert office here].

The preceding has been a message from Shadowy Lobbyist Types for Truth PAC, which will file its disclosure after the election.